GCC for Windows

(Updated 30/Oct/2023)

This page provides versions of the GNU Compiler (GCC) suite for use on Windows, packaged as self-extractor executables. Both 32-bit and 64-bit gfortran compilers are included in each download. Either or both can be selected for installation.

The installer can also configure the Winteracter Development Environment (WiDE) to use the installed compilers. Your installed Winteracter version must be at least as high as shown in the "Compatible ... versions" column.

The GCC 10.2 and 12.2 binaries in these downloads originate from winlibs.com and were built by Brecht Sanders. The GCC 7.1 binaries were built by the MinGW-W64 project. The installation program was written by Interactive Software Services and is freely distributable. The open source components which make up the installed software are all subject to their respective licenses. Your rights and obligations under those licenses are not affected by use of our installer.

Each download is a Win32 self extracting executable, which can run on any Windows system (32 or 64-bit, XP onwards).

GCC version Notes Compatible
Winteracter versions
12.2 12.0 or later
10.2 The binaries in this download are based on MinGW-w64 v7.0 release 4 and Binutils 2.35. This avoids an issue with some MinGW-w64 GCC 10 builds which break static linking. Specifically, this build links programs successfully when using the --static switch. 12.0 or later
7.1 11.0 or later

[Note: The installer was updated on 15/Aug/2022 to address two issues in the automatic WiDE configuration option. A minor fix to the GCC 10.2 installer was also applied on 30/Oct/2023, to correct the default directory name and version indicator, in the first dialog.]


These packages are primarily provided for the benefit of our Windows Winteracter users, but are freely available to anyone to download. They are provided on an "as is" basis with no warranty. I.S.S. is not responsible for anything other than the installer itself. I.S.S. is unable to offer technical support for the compiler suite or fixes for any bugs it may contain. I.S.S. offers no endorsement for this software other than that specifically stated above.

This disclaimer does not affect any entitlement of I.S.S. customers to support for Winteracter, when used in combination with gfortran.